Saturday, January 22, 2011


Bad news, I don't have any pictures worth uploading for this update. If you have requests for pictures I'll do my best to get them. The last two days and today I've been enjoying my weekend but tomorrow classes start back up for me again. Friday, especially before noon, the normally crowded streets of Cairo are mostly peaceful. I like going to get supplies for the up coming week during this unusual lull. The weather here is really nice, staying in the high 50s to low 70s. I'm sure in a few months it will be a little too hot but seeing the temperatures in Wisconsin right now I'm happy to sweat a little bit.

Its a great time for me to be in the middle east. I don't think I could have picked a better time. To my west Tunisia is in the middle of a revolution, in the south Sudan is likely splitting into two seprate states, and nearby Lebanon's government is undergoing some changes to say the least. Tuesday is a brand new Egyptian holiday called police day. Protests are planned so we Americans will have to stay inside until its clear exactly what's going on. 4 or 5 days ago an Egyptian tried to light himself on fire in protest like the Tunisian that sparked the revolution. Its crazy to think that I'm only a few miles from where that happened. On police day I'll give my next update. In the meantime enjoy the Packer game. If they go to the superbowl I'm watching it even though it will start at about 2AM here.


  1. I saw the Tunisia stuff on the news and i was wondering how that is going to effect you in Eygpt. It sounds like a great time to be there... stay safe wes... we all want you back in one piece.

  2. Please be safe! I'm worried about you! If you do get any good pics or videos, CNN is collecting them at:
