Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 4

I met some Egyptian students today and 5 of us (2 Egyptian 3 American) split off to the main group to start exploring Cairo. After fighting traffic we ended up in the Ramses district. It was more western and had alot of stores. There was even a huge mall we could look around in. Everything has a distinctly different feel to it than in America, even the mall. Maybe its the arabic spoken and written everywhere but people also act differently. I was definately expecting this but once its all around you it can be surreal and is difficult to put in words. I think pictures will be my best chance at sharing my experiences so I will try to remember to take pictures in the future.


  1. We will look up Ramses district on google earth. Can't wait for next entry.

  2. Try visiting City Stars Mall, one of the biggest in the world (in Nasr City district -Cairo)
