Wednesday, January 26, 2011


As you may have heard several thousand Egyptians protested today and yesterday and throughout the night in between. Their demands are for better economic conditions, an end to rampant corruption, free/fair elections, and a term limit on the presidency (effectively not allowing Mubarak to run again). I have a few pictures and I'm getting more from my roomate. I'll show you what I have when I get back I think. They look alot like any other pictures you'd be able to find in the media. In my neighborhood its been business as usual although Tahrir Square (mentioned in an earlier post) is about 2 miles away. That's were alot of the protesters gathered and where a large crackdown was. To be clear these protests are going on throughout all of Egypt, I only know much about the Cairo activity. If I remember correctly it was in Suez or Alexandria where there were a few deaths. Some may have died here too, but no first ammendment rights make it tough to know anything. We're expecting a lull in the protests until after Friday noon prayer. Twitter and almost all local media outlets were shut down yesterday and today Facebook was blocked. This is because Twitter and Facebook were used extensively to organize the protests.

So far we're all very much safe.


  1. supposedly you can still get onto facebook through proxys

  2. I agree, i am glad to hear that you are still safe. Thank God you thought far enough ahead to make this blog in case facebook ever got blocked there.

  3. Wow...that must have happened that night i was talking to you on facebook when you kept getting kicked off..

  4. Wes just called. He and all the students in his program are fine. He is glad he is there and said this is an amazing time to be there.

  5. Hey Wes! Matt and I are thinking about you all the time! You picked a crazy time to be in Cairo!!!! Life a little different there than in Appleton? Keep yourself safe and we have our thoughts with you as you leave Egypt....Moroccco sounds great though!!! This is a once in a lifetime experience, that's for sure!!!!!!
