Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break

Quick Facts, then pictures.
Sri Lanka is not a country Americans visit often because its on the other side of the world, but the Sri Lankan people still praise the US for its aid after the 2004 tsunami. Sri Lanka is also home to sizable populations of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and Buhddists, yet they seem to get along fairly well. A war between the Tamil and the Sinahlese very recently ended on the island and while it has the potential to begin again, the people are genuinely tired of it. Here are some of my pictures.
We arrived at 2 in the morning at wandered around until breakfast

The next day I went downtown to see what I could.
The busy streets of Columbo
The Indian Ocean was very warm and had some great waves
A Hindu Shrine
There was a strong military presence on the streets. I knew a war just ended but I still wasn't expecting it.
Playing cricket at the park.

The food was very spicy but scrumptious

They're watching a cricket game on a tiny TV
The tuck-tucks all had weird little sangs written all over them.
A Chinese guardian outside a buhddist temple
Waiting for the sunrise after a difficult climb up Adam's Peak. This is a holy site for Christianity, Buhddism and Islam
It was worth it
During the climb down it was easier to see

We traveled around by train. It was great to be able to see the countryside and there were no assigned seats so I always tried to sit between the cars.

In the town of Kandy, the fire chief invited us in.
Making friends on the train
12 hour layover in Dubai for architecture fans.
The tallest building in the world
Enough uploading. And they lived happily ever after.


  1. awesome wes,thanks for sharing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wes, your trip looks so incredible! I know we are all anxious for you to return safely, but what an experience! You look like you are taking advantage and having a great time! Enjoy!!!!! You aren't missing much here...though we did miss you at Brock's 2nd bday party :)
