Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Who Said Jordan Was Boring?

We went to Ajloun, a fort constructed during the crusades, and Jaresh yesterday. Jaresh is touted as the Rome away from Rome. As this is a blog, not a lecture, I won't go into much history but it was a day well spent.

Ajloun Castle

At the top of a hill, the castle controls the surrounding area.
At some points it was kind of like spelunking
After lunch (which was delicious, probably ate an entire lamb) we went to Rome
Or maybe it was Scotland
Yup, definitely Scotland
The gladiator prepares for battle
The long road home

Some other random things:
I saw a dead dog sticking halfway out of a dumpster and when I asked about it I was told that people just shoot stray dogs on sight. This obviously doesn't apply to cats though since I see them everywhere.

My international relations professor met with Saddam Hussein and Saddam gave him a gold plated AK-47 as a gift. My professor didn't want it so sold it to some one for 5000 J.D. cash. He now realizes it was worth hundreds of thousands.

Iran, Yemen, Jordan, and Baharain are all experiencing unrest to some extent. I would bet serious money that Jordan won't be revolting any time soon. Yemen on the other hand might. I'll be curious to see how this effects the region.

1 comment:

  1. Be prepared for a bacon party for when you get home! 10:1 says you cause the revolt in Jordan. Just sayin'
