Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome to Cairo

Today I had a substantial amount of free time when I wasn't already exhausted so I got a chance to put some pictures up for you guys. The snail paced internet makes it take a very long time to add just a single picture so after about an hour I added these. Enjoy.

Picture from my apartment as the sun is setting. You can make out the pyramids in the background.

I assure you that says "Domino's"

My lunch is shorbah and 7up. Shorbah is kind of like a gyro and just as tasty.

The gateway to one of the Amideast buildings. Next door is the Mozambique Embassy.

A better picture of the Nile from my apartment.
This is exactly what the streets of Cairo are like on average. Sometimes they are worse. There are no real traffic laws that are enforced. Horn honking generally doens't mean they are angry or upset, rather, it means "Hey I'm here just so you know."

For those of you that enjoy the Onion newspaper, here in Egypt we like to read Koshary is an inexpensive pasta, bean, and rice meal that is very delicious.


  1. I assure you it says "Pizza Hut" -phonetically spelled in Arabic; unless you were having a laugh.

  2. Yeah just making a silly joke. And actually if you want to get technical it would be "Bitza Hut" but I'm sure you knew this since you seem to be able to read Arabic yourself.
