Friday, February 11, 2011

Amman a Boat

It seems that the URL for my blog will be very misleading for the rest of the semester. I'm now studying in Amman and have been here for a week. Its very different from Cairo. Its chillier (50 degrees usually), the buildings and clothing styles are more western, and the people have all been directly impacted by Israel and US foreign policy.

A typical view of Amman. Its hilly here.
Jordan is still a developing country although its ahead of many other countries. (Yes, that's a KFC vehicle)
My grocery store. Inside it looks like any American store except there's no ham.
I really like my new bedroom and apartment.


  1. I like the catchy title lol... it seems boring there compared to egypt.

  2. Hey Wes I am glad you are somewhere safe, Jordan does look very hilly and kinda run down,although I can see that the grocery store does look modern..... I think my favorite picture was of the KFC car.
